Her Submission His Submission
Who does he think Who does she think
He is, anyway? She is, anyway?
Why does he keep To ask him to
Telling her what to Account for his
Do every morning, Whereabouts, every
Like she doesn't Minute of every day
Understand the directions: And just stand for it.
How to make A man could stand up
Toast, for pity's sake? A man could just walk away
To call his mother, A man could wander out and
(Like she's ever been Never come back.
Anything but nice When he leaves here,
To the cranky old thing) He wants a strict policy of
As if her love for Don't ask, don't tell,
Him could be boiled And then he could relax.
Down to "Love me, Relax enough to come home
Do what I tell you to do" or And report the
"Love me, be how Headlines, if not
I want you to be." Every bead in between
Isn't the point that she He's here, isn't he?
Loves him? If she could just wait
That she doesn't always One goddamned minute
Do what he says, but Until he brings it up
Stays here to hear him Himself,
Ask again. He'd tell her.